Software Solutions
Blue D Zine provide industrial-strength development that delivers an innovative and easy-to-use application in less time at reduced costs.
Blue D.Zine, with strong background in providing applications for tourism business, develops application based on travel agent’s requirements. This application is used for facilitating daily operations and tracking of bookings and customers as well as other necessary information such as hotels / tours / package / transfer’s rates, allotment, reservation process and payment.
In this day and age, gathering information about a property is typically done online, and an effective and well design website can send the message that your business is reliable or not. It is also a great marketing opportunity to attract both buyers and sellers
Blue D Zine offer a full services for real estate companies, brokers and agents start from the design stage through system integration. We provide a custom design and web development by our professional team with database integration that allows you to input property listings, property owner record and information about each property.

Creating a successful online store, Be-commerce Software
Be Commerce solution gives you everything you need in a single integrated business application so you can reach more potential customers, sell more products, efficiently and accurately fulfill orders, and drive customer satisfaction even across your own websites channels. BE Commerce’s platform design to empowers you to run your store / entire organization from the cloud.
The system allow you to conduct business on the Internet and opening your store for E-commerce option.It help make easier to set up and get Online business up and running and making sales
Hospitality Software Solutions
Potential guests arrive at your hotel website, like to stay at your property and wonder what the rates are and if the room is available during period they wish to stay.
Visual Hotel, completely web-base application provide booking engine to convert a visitor to your website into a guest. We try to make booking the hotel as easy as possible.