
Website Maintenance

At Blue D Zine our website maintenance services are designed to ensure that your online presence remains not only functional but also secure and current. We recognize that each website is unique, and our services are tailored to align with the specific nature of your website and your business requirements.

WordPress Website Maintenance

Keep your WordPress website running smoothly and secure with our Maintenance package. Our team ensures peak performance by checking configurations, functionality, security settings, updates, and removing unused files. Just like a house or car needs regular upkeep, ongoing maintenance is crucial for preventing major technical issues and bolstering your WordPress platform’s security.

The plan comes at a monthly rates from 2,500 – 5,500 baht

Our monthly web maintenance packages provide the necessary tech support to protect it from cyber threats, assess performance, and keep it running smoothly.

Our web maintenance package include?

In addition to our website maintenance, you can also add-on website updates services. The cost can be provided based on the complexity of your request.

If you like what we do, and think we could work together